Hello again . Such a complex and sad story, and if my math is correct, only 13 yrs of age or probably younger maybe if 2011 was when he was sentenced , and the 6 months etc
And he was a victim of what can only be said was severe and persistent physical and emotional abuse whatever his mum's reasoning.
And while I am not a trained lawyer, these sorts of legal questions part of my job ( though more for older teens and adults). Here in Australia , my educated guess is that given the facts of this situation, he would have received a similar sentence. I hope he was held in an appropriate youth centre and recieved proper help to recover.
There are clearly issues about concern for his then and future mental heath, and I totally agreee with Rachel about the issue of resilience and the community is often v judgemental without really unpacking the true story. Lenghty detention and punishment would have served no purpose and ultimately harmed an already seriously damaged young man.
And the stories intersect with your education system and competitive nature Sort of knew a bit of this as Korean frinds brught their sons to Australi and they were at school with mine, in order to escape the harm ful nature.
And a brave act to go on TV, and wonder about motivations; one may have been to explain his actions, but other to highlight what caused it.
Wow that was a truly tragic story from everyone in that family but good for the son for being resilient, it must not be easy to continue living with the fact that he murdered is his own mother. Well wishes to all, thank you Ari!
Hello again . Such a complex and sad story, and if my math is correct, only 13 yrs of age or probably younger maybe if 2011 was when he was sentenced , and the 6 months etc
And he was a victim of what can only be said was severe and persistent physical and emotional abuse whatever his mum's reasoning.
And while I am not a trained lawyer, these sorts of legal questions part of my job ( though more for older teens and adults). Here in Australia , my educated guess is that given the facts of this situation, he would have received a similar sentence. I hope he was held in an appropriate youth centre and recieved proper help to recover.
There are clearly issues about concern for his then and future mental heath, and I totally agreee with Rachel about the issue of resilience and the community is often v judgemental without really unpacking the true story. Lenghty detention and punishment would have served no purpose and ultimately harmed an already seriously damaged young man.
And the stories intersect with your education system and competitive nature Sort of knew a bit of this as Korean frinds brught their sons to Australi and they were at school with mine, in order to escape the harm ful nature.
And a brave act to go on TV, and wonder about motivations; one may have been to explain his actions, but other to highlight what caused it.
And Levi s correct Praise not Punishment.
V thoughtful essay, as always Ari.
Wow that was a truly tragic story from everyone in that family but good for the son for being resilient, it must not be easy to continue living with the fact that he murdered is his own mother. Well wishes to all, thank you Ari!
Moral of the story: Use praise to raise kids, not shame and beatings.
Hi Ari, a follow up to this.
And a sign of growing media articles in Oz about SK outside our gov'ts purchase of military things.
Incredibly sad story about intense , persistent and severe bullying of this young teacher;
From our ABC, which is a bit of a national treasure, thiough disliked or more by our conservative gov'ts.
The bullying and threatening on line and by phone, actionable by Federal and State law, without a need to sue.
And wonder about the morals and selfish nature of those who did it. A blot on their soul.
Recalls me of your article about the death of wonderful star of My Mister. And the harrassment he suffered.
And , on the upbeat, a positive vibe Oz media article, which I will have to send separately.
Look forward to your next.